martes, febrero 20, 2007

Tatuaje Hada - Nanita

Elaboré esta ilustración para el tatuaje de mi amiga NANA. Fue elaborado en photoshop y lápiz digital.
Copyrights © 2007 Javier Gacharná
I did this ilustration for my friend NANA´S tattoo. It was done in photoshop and digital pencil.

Copyrights © 2007 Javier Gacharná
A very good friend of mine was inspired in a poem from this illustration, I miss u a lot Radost... Thank u.
Radost Angelova

You were telling me ‘bout the dew-falls
But I denied:”Well, it was not,
A dancing fairy came when the night calls
Among the flowers when the worries were in cot.

And chased by the moon in tender quadrille
The stars gleamed with jealousy, pulsing red roses
The grass was just touching a fiery thrill
And demons were dying downcast in strange poses

Then She recognized me; She knew me for long
Last night She came here to see me
Though telling me tales that echoed like song
I knew that the sunrise will kill me

There was no dew; she tore her necklace
And pure diamonds tumbled down the grass
And then the dawn with fire was awakened
She‘s gone forever, after final cast...

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

amor cada vez se evidencia más el gan talento que tienes y tu insaciable pasión por la ilustración.Angelita