martes, febrero 03, 2009

Concept Art - Paul Shipper

Extracto de la entrevista realizada por Javier Gacharná a Paul Shipper, sobre el Concept Art:

What skills or studies does an upcoming illustrator need, in order to work in professional movie poster making?

Get your technique down pat. You dont want to be experimenting too much when you have a deadline looming. I would suggest using your skills to promote yourself marketing your skills to the right people. Advertise in the right places - find out what publications are right for the market you want to work in. Online sites work well too these days - and make sure you have a website with your work that you can control yourself - adding new art online is quite important.

Encuentran el trabajo de Paul Shipper en la siguiente dirección:

La entrevista completa se publicará, con otros artistas, en un portal que crearé especialmente sobre el tema del Concept Art.

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